Friday, November 30, 2012

Goodbye NYC

Only 8 hours behind schedule. But we are finally leaving NYC. But instead of hitting DC tonight, we get to spend the night in NJ. Thanks Kevin and Keely for having us last minute!

Car pickup

Seriously? Florida plates? Got the car - now just have to pack it up and get on the road.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

One more day in NYC!

After a week of packing and a lot of fun with the shrink wrap, our apartment is pretty much empty...


Paul took the last of our furniture that we weren't able to sell to the Jersey City Salvation Army using a U-haul truck (which required hiring some guys to help). It has been a tiring experience packing, selling, and donating all our stuff but the reward of taking this time to travel will make it all worth it. At least that's what I keep telling myself!

Tomorrow we leave NYC and the lovely Silver Towers. Paul and I will probably never live in a nicer place - the view is amazing! But we are even more sad to leave our family and friends.

The best decision I ever made was to move here... the experiences I've had, the friends I've made and the love I have for NYC is beyond what I could have wished for when I left California in June 2004.

I know there can only be more great experiences ahead...and this time, I have Paul by my side.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Party pics

It's been a little crazy for us preparing for our trek. Selling our furniture and packing has been taking up most of our time...not to mention, quite emotional. Thanks again to everyone who made it to our party, to my sis Lil for making awesome invites and cards for us, and to Houndstooth Pub for hosting us. Not surprising to anyone, I was a blubbering mess and Paul (as usual) came to my rescue. We will miss everyone! Here are some of the pictures that were taken of the festivities. You can view all of them by clicking here:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another step closer to leaving NYC

Yesterday was my last day at Pfizer. It was bittersweet to leave. On one hand, it is quite a liberating feeling not having to work and on the other, I left more than just a job. Pfizer was the second company I ever worked for and in the almost 6 years I was there, I met some great people. I am so thankful for the friends I made and everything I learned while I was there. Thank you, Pfizer.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

It begins.

Going away party at Houndstooth tonight. Great gathering with family and friends. Thank you all for coming to send us off on one of the most amazing journeys we can imagine. More pictures from the party (and after party) to come.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

T-29 days!

It's November, which means only 29 more days in NYC. Luckily, we weren't affected by Hurricane Sandy but my heart goes out to those who were. As I walked to work yesterday, I was reminded of how much I will miss NYC.