Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bangkok had us...

On April 22 we took a short flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. We decided to stay for 4 nights since we had laundry to do and errands to run (we had to get our Myanmar visa before our flight on April 26). We arrived in the evening and just took it easy since the plan was to get up early to head to the Myanmar Embassy. It was morning rush hour on the train so it was packed...

Crowded doesn't quite describe the scene

Paul was the tallest guy there...some were staring

Here's another person looking at Paul

Paul needs more room...

Finding The Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (what a mouthful!) wasn't too hard and the line was thankfully not too long. We were in and out within about 1.5 hours. But before we got in line, Paul needed to get photos for the visa since he looks a bit different from the photos we took back in November 2012..since Capt'n (his scraggly beard) came into our lives. I still can't stop laughing at this photo - there are so many things about it that make me laugh but what stands out the most (which I'm sure you will all agree) is the image of his floating head.

My son, you do not remember me, I am Jor-el. I am your father. 

Now, was a white t-shirt a good choice against a white background? The answer is YES! because of how much joy this photo gives me. Surprisingly, the Myanmar embassy accepted it and we were scheduled to pick up our passports in a couple days.

After a lazy afternoon, we were excited to meet up with our friend, Kelly from New York (a fellow Westside Tavern patron) who moved to Bangkok on a 2 year teaching assignment. We had dinner together and then headed to watch some Muay Thai at the Lumpinee Boxing Stadium!

Excited about muay thai

I tried to take a picture of the 3 of us but just got Paul and Kelly

Here is the 2nd can kind of see us...?

One of the many matches we watched

There were many supporters for the blue corner here...

Paul was very excited

Me and Kelly

More muay thai

These guys started young

The guy in red was KO'd. He was out for a good 10 seconds and then put in a wheelchair.

Afte the match, we strolled through Soi Cowboy (Cowboy Street). There are no words to adequately describe it...but this is the street they filmed the fight in Hangover 2 if that helps.

Paul was afraid walking down this street

After Soi Cowboy, we went back to the hotel...along the way, these VW bar vans were set up

So, we stopped to have a drink!

Yes, it is a VW bar van!

Then we had a nightcap at our hotel bar

The next day we took it easy - did our laundry and had a nice dinner. Our last day in Bangkok we finally did some sight seeing after dragging ourselves out of bed. And the only motivation we used was the fact that we had to pick up our passports between 3:30 and 4:30pm...

So, on April 25, we made our way to the Chao Phraya River for a boat ride along the river and within the canals - including a stop over at the famous temple, Wat Pho. We felt like JCVD in Kickboxer.

You can't quite see the engine in this picture but trust me, it was hefty. 

I love Paul's hair in this shot

Along the way we were able to see all the residences along the river

It was a nice boat ride

P-Rex pointing out the different highlights of the river

Floating Market

Floating Market making a sale to Paul - a beer for our already drunk boat driver

Another shot of the river

Wat Arun from the Chao Phraya River

We made it to Wat Pho!

To see the reclining buddha

5 meters high and 43 meters long with his right arm supporting the head.

Can you tell it was hot that day?

With Buddha's feet in the shot

And, a shot from behind

With his right arm holding his head up

Heading back

For our last night in Bangkok, we met up with Kelly for dinner. It was great to see someone we knew since we're closing in on 4 months away from the states. Plus, Kelly was nice enough to let us do our laundry at her place not to mention provide great travel tips for Thailand and Myanmar. Thanks Kelly for making us feel a little bit at home on the road!

We ate at Zaks Wine Bar two nights in a row - the chef is from New Hampshire!

The next day we were back on the road again - headed to Myanmar!


  1. and i have one night in bangkok in my head again........

  2. My wife says I have a giant head but I think Paul may at least tie me in that department or else Christine has a peanut head. What do you think?

  3. Pardon me. It's Billy with the giant head and Esther with the peanut head.

    1. It's probably a combination of both my peanut head and Paul's giant head! : )

  4. bán an cung ngưu tại Đà Nẵng có xuất xứ từ Hàn Quốc. Đây là một trong những bài thuốc đông y bán an cung ngưu tại Hà Nội có từ cách đây rất lâu đời hữu hiệu cho các chứng bệnh tai biến mạch máu não, cao huyết áp, viêm màng não, liệt tay chân, bán an cung ngưu tại TP HCM tâm thần và chứng liệt ở mặt,... hiệu quả và được mọi người tin dùng.

  5. viên tinh dầu thông đỏ hàn quốc là một loại tinh dầu vô cùng quý hiếm được chiết xuất 100% từ lá của cây Thông đỏ, và có tuổi thọ trung bình từ 100 đến 200 năm. Cây được trồng ở độ cao từ 1300m - 1700m, lá và vỏ cây có chứa nhiều hoạt chất vô cùng quý giá và là thành phần chính bào chế nên các hoạt chất điều trị ung thư. Với 2,7kg lá thông đỏ được ép và trưng cất trong vòng 1 tháng mới được 1 vien tinh dau thong do han quoc nguyên chất.


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